Full Time Captain Care Without the Full Time Expense!
Simkins Yacht Management is focused on providing first class service with individual attention to its customers. Our goal is to allow the owner to get on the water and enjoy boating instead of being burdened by the work and oversight needed to keep a vessel in proper operating condition.
Simkins Yacht wants to make boating turn key. Consistent inspection and maintenance provided by a marine professional will catch issues before they turn into big problems. Not only can Simkins Yacht provide repair service but it has strong network of area contractors that can be called in if necessary. As part of the maintenance service package Simkins Yacht will manage the contractor and make sure the work is done correctly and on time.
Simkins Yacht can tailor its services to fit any owner's needs so whether it's totally managing the vessel or just a trusted person to call if you need help we are ready and able to help.